09: December 2015 #04 - Home, as it should be
Authored by Camilo Malagón
Home, as it should be
by Camilo Malagón
But I am no longer I anymore, nor my home is any longer my home - Federico García Lorca
Home, as it should be Home, in all its details and its glory Home, in all its colors Paris Berlin New York Buenos Aires Bogotá São Paulo New Orleans Home, in all its possible and Impossible ways Home, as the navel, The beginning And the end. Home, as in the song The deep southern humid Acres of swamp. Home, as my voice Home, in all its letters and all its words Home home home Home home home Home, as a chant, as a calling, as a refuge and a ruse Home, over and over again Until it stops being home. Home, and all of its lights, and all its sounds And its verdant, luscious, treacherous green by the waves, And its dusty dilapidated buildings casting down their gazes Home, as in the language I lost. Home, as it never is again Home, in all its ruin-like beauty Say it with me, just once more, Home.