14: Oct 2016 #12 - 9 Haiku

Authored by Tom Leopardi

9 Haiku

by Tom Leopardi

Radiator pipe
Draws autumn scent from damp leaves
High school English class

Yellowing waxed floors
Warped by wet autumn rain boots
Lessons to be learned

Fill your empty glass
There’s more wine in the bottle
Dream until you wake

Under greying skies
Falling leaves blanket the land
Soon we all must sleep

Scratch mark on cedar
May have been a black bear scratch
Salmon swim upstream

Apple flower blossoms
Are picked and dropped to the ground
Apples for cider

Autumn leaves the scene
Blonde hair streaked red with henna
Snow White winter next

Grasping at your hand
Crossing the abyss I fell
Without you I’d die

Driving down the road
Signs along the interstate
Lost until you’re found