14: Oct 2016 #05 - 14 Steps To Tindering Like A Pro

Authored by Terence Krey

14 Steps To Tindering Like A Pro

by Terence Krey

1. Open up Facebook.
2. Thirty minutes later, open up Tinder.
3. Feel uncomfortable, close Tinder.
4. Open up Instagram.
5. Ten minutes later, open up Tinder.
6. Swipe left on everyone who seems like they live better lives than you.
7. Swipe left on everyone who looks directly into the camera.
8. Swipe left on everyone that likez traveling and dogs and 🍕.
9. Swipe right on someone who looks sad enough that your sadness won’t “bring them down, man.”
10. Get a match.
11. Immediately turn your phone off. Throw it to the ground, breaking it.
12. Go to Best Buy to replace your phone.
13. It’s too expensive to replace, so instead buy The Breakfast Club on Blu-Ray.
14. omg Breakfast Club.