14: Oct 2016 #06 - Jane Street (our tellings)
Authored by Mike Jurkovic
Jane Street (our tellings)
by Mike Jurkovic
They all wanted to fuck me on Jane Street but didn’t. Such was the luck of the brotherly type. A witness to women learning to walk along the Rockaway sand. Playing them Dusty. Joni. Laura. Our voices rising to the sky black w/worry. Intrigue. Late periods and trouble at home. Manhattan dead. The Bronx afire. The autumns in Washington Square. We talked to the city and the city talked back. Whispered us secrets and lies. And truths that later proved true. They all wanted to fuck me on Jane Street but didn’t. Such was the luck of the brotherly type and some pangs still play in our tellings today. Certainly sickness. Certainly death. Certainly the tides, high and low and who did who on Jane Street.